Monday, March 4, 2013

Class #7, 3/4/13

We'll have an abbreviated class this evening, because I have to return to the other side of town before it gets too late.   Dismissal will probably be around 6:45.

**For tonight--Reading:  Some classic formulations of ecological morality--Chapter 4:
------>L-M. Russow, "Why do Species Matter?" pp 190ff
------>A. Schweitzer, "Reverence for Life," pp 198ff
------>Aldo Leopold, "Ecocentric Ethics: The Land Ethic," pp 222ff
------>C. Stone, "Should Trees Have Standing?"  pp 246ff
------>Write a page:  Why, in the absolute sense, should I care about the rest of life on earth, now or in the future?  Or, should I not care?  Explain your answer.

**Discussion of readings, especially Schweitzer and Leopold.

**For next meeting, March 18:  Readings from Chapter 5, Population and Consumption
------>Bill McKibben, "...The Challenge of Overpopulation and Overconsumption," pp 260ff
------>Garrett Hardin, "The Tragedy of the Commons," pp 272ff
------>Jacqueline Kasun, "The Unjust War against Population," pp 282ff.

**Writing:   A short mid-term paper.
Read the article (handout) by Dr. Erazim Kohak, and follow the directions (also a handout) for the synopsis and critique.  If you lose your article, it's here.  And the rubric is here. The rubric has been a little fussy to open.  If you can't, e-mail me.


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