Monday, February 25, 2013

Class #6, 2/25/13

**For tonight--Reading:  "The World's Perspectives"
------>R. Guha, "Radical Environmentalism and Wilderness Preservation:  A Third World Critique," pp 176ff
------>Genesis 1-3, pp 615ff
------>M.Y. Izzy Deen, "Islamic Environmental Ethics, Law and Society," pp 633ff
------>O.P. Dwivedi, "Satyagraha for Conservation:  A Hindu View,"  pp 640ff
------>Starhawk, "Pagan Environmentalism:  Principles of Unity,"  pp 655ff
------>Write a page:  Based on the readings, what do the world's religious traditions appear to contribute to environmental ethics?  How, if at all, does this contribution add to the positions we have discussed so far?  (Substantiate your claims, one way or the other.)

**Discussion of readings.

**For next week--Reading:  Some classic formulations of ecological morality--Chapter 4:

------>L-M. Russow, "Why do Species Matter?" pp 190ff
------>A. Schweitzer, "Reverence for Life," pp 198ff
------>Aldo Leopold, "Ecocentric Ethics: The Land Ethic," pp 222ff
------>C. Stone, "Should Trees Have Standing?"  pp 246ff

**Write a page:  Why, in the absolute sense, should I care about the rest of life on earth, now or in the future?  Or, should I not care?  Explain your answer.

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