Sunday, March 24, 2013

Class #9, 3/25/13

**Due this week:   Still from Chapter 5:  "Population and Hunger."  Read:
------>Hardin, "Lifeboat Ethics," pp 296ff
------>Murdoch and Oates, "Population and Food...," pp 306ff
------>About a page:  Why do you think it's important to settle the question of whether there is actually enough food to prevent starvation in the world, or, if not, then is Hardin' solution the only just one? 

**Discussion of readings.

**Assessment of correlation between governmental corruption and hunger.  We'll use the index compiled on

**For next week:  From Chapter 9:  "Pollution:  Soil Air Water."  Read:
------>French, "You Are What You Breathe,"  pp 314ff
------>Bradford, "We All Live in Bhopal," pp 322ff
------>Baxter, "People or Penguins...," pp 327ff
------>The oil company British Petroleum and its partners have spent billions of dollars to clean up the effects of the Gulf of Mexico spill and to compensate both individuals and governmental bodies for their losses and expenses relating to the accident.  Do you feel that the punishments have been just and that enough has been done to prevent and deter further carelessness in the extraction of energy resources?  

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