Monday, October 25, 2010

Class #9, 10/25/10

**Rosters, etc.

**Due today: Readings from Chapter 8, "Food Ethics"--

----->Garrett Hardin, "Lifeboat Ethics," pp 443ff

----->Murdoch and Oaten, "Critique of Lifeboat Ethics," pp 452ff

----->Jonathan Rauch, "Can Frankenfood save the Planet?" pp 476ff
----->----->Video--meet Norman Borlaug, Times Man of the Millenium.
First, setting the situation with a short biography:

And, the late Dr. Borlaug:

----->M.A. Fox, "Vegetarianism and Treading Lightly on the Earth," pp 496ff

-----> What do the following groups of nations have in common:

----->----->Group I:  Somalia, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Sudan, Iraq, Chad, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Haiti.

----->----->Group II:  New Zealand, Denmark, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Netherlands, Australia, Canada, Iceland.

----->One more view on the causes of poverty:  See the Transparency International web site.

**Exercise on "progress"--1900 vs. 2010.

**For 11/1: "Pollution and Pesticides," Chapters 9 and 10--Read:
----->Hilary French, "You are what you breathe," pp 507ff
----->Rachel Carson, "Silent Spring," pp 526ff
----->Anne Platt McGinn, "Combating Malaria," pp 536ff
----->Ray and Guzzo, "The Blessings of Pesticides," pp 562ff.

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