Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Water scarcity is another thing... face India, along with the increasing pressure toward modernization and capitalization of industry. People do want a "standard of living" that is above subsistence, and for the first time this may be available--at a cost.

Read the story.

See the slide show.

A world without pandas...

... if this fellow would have his way. Read the article. What are your feelings?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The most important person of the 20th century...

... according to many, was Norman Borlaug.

Who? TAMU professor and Nobel prize winner Norman Borlaug pioneered the strains of staple crops that now feed literally billions of persons in the poorest regions of the world. He may have saved more lives than were lost in the world wars.

Here is Eric Berger's tribute. He includes some additional links.